30 November 2008

Happy Birthday Mr T!

My "future son in law" had his 3rd birthday today!

Picture Heavy!

The thanksgiving up date! We had My MIL and UIL over for dinner, I do beleive I cooked for nearly 2 days straight! I no longer enjoy cooking! ok, so maybe I do but hey, that was a ton of food! At least my Turkey turned out!Here is some pie!

Lets see what else has happend in the last few days/weeks:
1.) Poor Joe and his ugly hat! 2-3.) Lili plowing the driveway! The only real way to do it! 4.) Ax checking out the snow 5.) I cleaned out the garage, this one was the before pic 6.) Scott and Ty stopped by 6.) Lili climbed in to the trunk and tried to be luggage! 7.) We are mean parents! Joe was out cold when we did this! 8.) The soda machine froze and exploded at work! 8.) Lili was a glam spidergirl 9.) I made socks and fingerless mitts for shirley and she loved them both! 10.) Another meeting of the seceret knitting socitey 11-14.) WE WENT TO NINE INCH NAILS with Andy and Steph! YEAH!

27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

25 November 2008

it's my friday

so today is turning out to be quite the day!
one, it's my friday! Joe does not have school tomorrow so I'm staying home with him to get ready for thanksgiving and bake pies!
two, Adam Andy Steph and I are going to see Nine Inch Nails tonight. My first stadium show, and Nails show. should be fun! Not to mention we haven't been out with Andy and Steph since well, before we got married! WOW! 5.5 years! WOW!
three, I won! my first contest! it was on Pheelya's blog about teachers! She's board certified now so she rocks!
four, Andy and Stephs offer was accepted and THEY ARE GETTING THEIR HOUSE!!!! I'm so excited for them! now I will have to find something to knit them for a housewarming gift!
I have the camera at home so i will be sure to take pics of my "mini holiday!"

Have a safe thanksgiving everyone! Cheers and good Turkey!

21 November 2008

Pheelya's Contest


Pheelya is having a contest! Check it out and dont forget to check out the rest of her blog!


I'm a bad bad blog owner! I missed my blog's first birthday!
BAD BAD ME! I think my blog deserves some yarn for my mistake!

19 November 2008

12 out of 21

I got Joe's hat done! I'm wondering if I will actually make it! I cant knit all day everyday, I do work full time and have kids! But I'm working on it! Here it is!

now, on to another project!

18 November 2008

11 out of 21

It's what now, 36 days until Christmas and I've got 11 out of 21 knitted/ crocheted gifts done! Lets see if I can do it! I can already tell you that i will not be doing this many next year! and I WILL knit something for me in 2009 too! something other than socks! I think I will make 2009 my stash busting year! Adam thinks I have too much yarn but I am FAR from the big timer stashers, mine doesn't even take up a wall! just a tiny little space of it! HA! wait till I get a wheel! FUN!

Lili was sick this weekend, then it was my turn - today is my Monday! The vending machine decided to explode while I was away! I took pictures and will post them later because well, the cable is at home and I am not!

Tonight I celebrate my nephew's 11th birthday.... He is my oldest, and I can not beleive he's 11! I remember the day he was born! We used to hang out a lot when he was little, before Adam, and all the other kids were born. He was with me the very first day I met Joe, a memory we all share!

Here is one of Joe (right) and Mason (left) when they were about 5 or 6, it was taken at our first apartment, they were soo cute! now.... preteens..... WOW!

14 November 2008

a good day for my sis

this real jerk off of a guy kept saying my sisters dog was barking (he never barked unless you were a deer or ON his property - you know what dogs are supposed to do)... anyhow, the cops ticketed them and it was a manditory court appearance. Needless to say, she came out alright minus the fact they had to give up their dog because of this guy (not from the court thing but because he was harrassing them and it was just too much - the guy was a dink) so here's to Lori!
oh did i mention her case was dismissed for 6months as long as she had to barks or bites!

Max will NEVER be forgotten!

12 November 2008

I'm going into hiding...

it's snowing.....

and that is all I have to say.....

11 November 2008

6 down 15 to go

15 to go, yeap that's right 15 knitted items to get done in 44 days! If you can figure out how that will actually work let me know!

I am still optimistic that it can happen! Cross your toes for me!
here is a really bad photo of the start of joe's "Joe Cousteau Hat". It's a simple yet very cool pattern! I'm actually trying to read the Finnish version of the pattern - good thing there is an English one to reference!I figure the boy doesn't even know I have a blog, or at least I dont think he does, but he doesn't read it anyhow! so he's safe to take pics of!!!!

07 November 2008

A quick catch up!

So I came to realize that I've missed a lot of things on this old blog! So a quick update... I'll start with Halloween!
Lots of pumpkin carving, house decorating, oh yeah first one on the bottom row is my house at night - the back yard, perfect creepy back yard! LOVE IT! The kids had a great time trick or treating, Uncle Adam brought the oldest boys out and came back with FULL bags of candy, I'm amazed no one O.D.'d! Z-man, one cute Vampire! Oh, Lili was Tinker Bell again... and Joe was Jason this year...

Can't forget to add the pic of the recent stabbing.... I litterally bent 2 US2 straight needles almost in half, a good 90 degree angle at least! I know it doesn't look bad, but it hurt!

Now, some mittens I'm working on for Lili, Can't show a ton of knitting for it's all christmas knitting and who knows who will decide to hop on this old thing and find out what they are getting! more after 12.25.08! oh and I'm watching my mom's puppy Tripp, him and Axel have been fighting for 2 days straight now! he goes home tomorrow!

And finally the biggest news of all....
Lili got her first haircut! I seriously cried, never thought I would cry about hair, but I have litterally never cut her hair (only her bangs), it was past her butt! but with potty training and the fact that she was getting tired of it getting stuck in her arm pits! It was time, she looks soo old now, I can't beleive she has gotten so big so fast! It kinda in a small teany sort of way makes me kinda sorta maybe think about maybe wanting another one....

Talk to you all soon!!!

05 November 2008

Time for change.

I am actually honestly proud right now to be an American. I think this is the first time in my adult life that I can talk to my friends over seas and not feel like the "stupid American". We are here for change now and thanks to this man:
I know things are going to start getting better. I'm proud to know that my kids will grow up in a country that is no longer run by old creepy white men who can't even give a speach! In the words of my daughter "Rock Obama is my present!"

Today is a new day, and I plan on making that true even close to home!

and just so you know - I DID VOTE OBAMA!

03 November 2008

pain again....

All i have to say is I stabbed myself in the leg this time with a knitting needle.... not a sock dpn but a straight, two actually, nearly bent them in half! oh and did I mention this is the second time I've done this? BOTH size US2 one straight, one DPN.... pics to follow...

by the way, check out Dexter, it's on DVD and Showtime!

A fun little post thanks to http://www.velvet-c.com/

ost * type your answer to each question below into Flickr Search
* using only the first page of results, pick an image

* copy and paste each URL into fd's mosaic maker
* blog it!

The Pictures:

The Questions:

1. What is your first name? Kati (creepy eh? - it was that a burrito or a couple named Matt and Kati and well, lets just leave Matt in the past shall we?)
2. What is your favorite food? Fettuchini
3. What high school did you go to? New Richmond (that is actaually the old train station in town)
4. What is your favorite color? Blue
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Henry Rollins
6. What is your favorite drink? Strawberry Crystal Light (ahhh yarn)
7. Dream vacation? Stuart Island, WA
8. Favorite dessert? Pie (adam soo hates squirels!)
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Marine Biologist
10. What do you love most in life? Lili and Joe and Adam
11. One word to describe you? Great (adam gave me this word so it's his word to describe me!)
12. Your flickr name? Lightsoutdesigns