18 November 2008

11 out of 21

It's what now, 36 days until Christmas and I've got 11 out of 21 knitted/ crocheted gifts done! Lets see if I can do it! I can already tell you that i will not be doing this many next year! and I WILL knit something for me in 2009 too! something other than socks! I think I will make 2009 my stash busting year! Adam thinks I have too much yarn but I am FAR from the big timer stashers, mine doesn't even take up a wall! just a tiny little space of it! HA! wait till I get a wheel! FUN!

Lili was sick this weekend, then it was my turn - today is my Monday! The vending machine decided to explode while I was away! I took pictures and will post them later because well, the cable is at home and I am not!

Tonight I celebrate my nephew's 11th birthday.... He is my oldest, and I can not beleive he's 11! I remember the day he was born! We used to hang out a lot when he was little, before Adam, and all the other kids were born. He was with me the very first day I met Joe, a memory we all share!

Here is one of Joe (right) and Mason (left) when they were about 5 or 6, it was taken at our first apartment, they were soo cute! now.... preteens..... WOW!

1 comment:

MorganMagic said...

cute picture of the boys!