04 April 2008

In a land far far away...

It's getting warmer here, but.... I'm stuck inside...

(I love my husband, he make me laugh!)

ok, i will admit I am attempting to learn crochet. My auntie Kathy is teaching me, and I am helping her to advance her knitting skills. I started (what the hell do you call a cast on in crochet? is it a cast on? chain on? what?) a wash cloth last night. I figured I would crochet a few wash cloths to get the stitches down. yeah I admit I "dropped" a stitch on the end of the row, but it was going pretty well. I did a few rows last night and was feeling pretty good about it.

I thought I would hook on the way to work, apparently I was crocheting with my eyes closed.

I will not give up! I will be a knit and crocheter!
Anyhow.... I'm thinking about having a contest... lets get us some comments people!!!
leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Jess said...

The first row of crochet is the foundation chain.
Fun Blog!