18 April 2008

I'm soo very sorry!

I can't believe it's the 18th already! Life has been C R A Z Y! Some good awesome super cool news! WE'RE GETTING A HOUSE!!!!!! We were pre-approved, and I've already been talking to a realitors. I can't wait to get out of our apartment! I can't wait to get my puppy! It's been just over 10 years since I had a dog, I miss having a dog! I love my cats, but... I want a pup!

Let's see what else is new... I can crochet a wash cloth now! I am also working on my own version of a log cabin blanket (crocheted) that I am going to call "The Ugliest Blanket in the World!". It's being made from left over skeins, mismatched, and ugly! all my "pre yarn store" acrylic! It's a good thing! I'm DESTASHING! I need to destash a ton now that I'm getting a house!

I've sent a couple of RAK things out, I hope they all enjoy what they got. I've only heard from one person! I've got a major cold/ sinus infection thing again.... why is it, when the weather gets warm, i get sick! BLAH! hey, it was because of Pneumonia that I didn't get to see the Yarn Harlot when she came to town! Anyhow, I hope it goes away today so I can somewhat enjoy the weekend!

OH! I did buy myself some new shoes! I got Chocolate Converse One Stars! I LOVE THEM!!!!
I used to wear them all the time then went to "shit kickers" or work boots what ever. I wear my CAT work shoes all the time (black), my multi pairs of Harley boots (black) all of my chuck taylors are black (I have one pink that lili picked out that i dont wear very often) BUT I GOT BROWN!!!!! I'm trying to be more girly! Hey, I didn't wear my HD jacket all winter! I'll post a pic of them soon! THEY ROCK!

I haven't been knitting a whole ton lately, not feeling well and all, but I have done a few things. Not one picture has been taken.... I'm sorry! I will try to take pics this weekend!
Anyhow, I need to get back to the grind (work). Talk to you soon!


MorganMagic said...

happy house-hunting!

MorganMagic said...

I got your gifts today!!!!!

talk to you soon on msn ;)