31 August 2009

it's been a week!

one week and one day. I've had my baby home now. She is doing really well. It's been a tough week, but we're getting
through it. I'm adding some pics of June's monitor. This is supposed to be GW this weekend/week. but since June was
born, we had to cancel this year so Jesstine and Steph came over for a couple of bottles of wine, a bottle of Miscato
d'asti and a call to texas to get the far away member with us (and we did try to find sara with no avail). It was nice to
have a little adult time even if I was at home and adam was watching the kids.

Lili also drew a picture of Axel ( no help - I htink she did great) and is not into spider and skull tatoos.
She told me that she had to have a skull tattoo to make her tough, so she gave herself two!

20 August 2009

Pics of June and her story

Thought I would send out some pics of the new addition! She is doing very good in the NICU, still no date for bringing
her home, but she's getting better every day! The last one was taken tonight just after a bath!!!!

She is still in the NICU at north. I had her on the 14th She was 37 weeks 4 days (a little early but not much). Soon after they took her (i had a c-section) they realized that she was having breathing issues, you can see how blue she is in some of the pitctures. Once in the NICU they determined that she had premature lungs. They wouldn't stay inflated and she would have a hard time just breathing. Her O2 level was very low and her respitory rate was 125+ (normal is between 40-60). They tried her on an oxygen hood for a bit but that didn't work so they put her on a cpap machine that not only gave her a tad bit of oxygen but mainly pushed air into her lungs to help keep them inflated. After a couple of days on that her billyrubben got to high (she was jaundice) so she was put on light therapy for a couple of days. Now, She is learnign to eat and breath at the same time and not to have apniea when she sleeps. she had 3 episodes yesterday one of which her heart rate dropped to the 50s normaly it is in the 130+. but she was able to pull heself out of it. 

I am home now, 2nd night home with out her, but she is in excellent hands, the nurses at the NICU are really awesome people. She had a really great day today and was able to have 3 feedings in a row where she ate 45-60mil (just over an ounce and up - an ounce is 30mil). If she continues this shen may be able to get rid of her IV! That also gets us one step closer to her coming home. 

There is still no set date on her coming home. We dont even know if we will be able to bring her home on monitors or not. We will know more tomorrow. She is a strong girl and is in a very good place.

June Bug pictures and update

Back at the NICU today thought I'd send another update now that I'm not in such a rush.
We talked to the doctor today and it's still very up in the air. We dont know when she will be coming home.
She is cont. to have some epidodes and is having some trouble remembering how to breath while she eats.
Her billyrubben is up again and hopefully wont go up to the point of light threapy again.

She is very much a trouble maker and LOVES to smile when she is causing trouble. She very much has
a big personality and we can't wait to bring her home. It could be anywhere from 2-7+ days. It all depends on if we need to bring her home on a monitor or not and how many episodes (apniea) she has today and tomorrow.
Cross your toes for June (I'll try to get a picture of her toes today they are very long!). I'll try to keep everyone updated often.

19 August 2009


June got moved to the step down room in the NICU this morning. She is able to eat what she wants and is having a bit of trouble with that, but she's getting better. She likes to cause trouble but what can I say, she's my daughter! I've been able to spend a lot more time with her today since she is off the lights (her jaundice was a bit high so they had her under light therapy for two or three days). Her billyrubben (sp?) was down to 5 today and she is more pink than I have ever seen her! I am in the family room at the NICU so I can update more often here. I will try to load up some pictures of her too. I've only got some of her on her cpap machine and things but at least you can see her!
Talk to you all more soon!

Getting better

I am having trouble posting here but she is being moved to the step down room! Getting better every hour!

I'm home now

Im home tonight. June is still in the nicu. Ive never felt so empty in my life. I know it is where she needs to be i just want to be with her. Luckily she has a great nurse tonight. Dawn has been her night nurse all but one night. I know June is in good hands. She is up 60 grams and now weighs 7lbs 3oz!

17 August 2009


Update: June is doing good. She is at 7lbs 2oz. Adam and I have been able to feed her today. She is eating 10mil every 3 hours now! Last I heard is it will be 5-7 days until I get to take her home. Its so hard to not be able to hold her when I want to. Joe and Lili got to hold her for the first time and love her! Keep your toes crossed for June Bug!

15 August 2009


She is off the cpap for a bit and her stats are great. Cross ur toes for her!


Update: her o2 rate is still 100% room air. Her respitory rate is down to 80! And she pooped! She is kickin ass and takin names!

7lbs 13oz

Update: June was born @ 1:28 pm. 7lbs 13oz. She is having some breathing issues so she is in the nicu intensive care unit for a few days. Hopefully i will get 2 hold her 4 the first time 2morrow. She is a strong girl and is getting better at every update. I cant wait 2 show off pics. I will update soon.

13 August 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!

I go in at 1:00 for a scheduled c-section to finally have June. After about 13 visits to the hospital and now preeclampsia they decided it was time to take her. I will post pictures as soon as possible. 

Loves to you all!

Happy Anniversary Morgan! Love you!