12 May 2009

Happy late mothers day!

Hello to all, Happy late mothers day. It was a good weekend, I had a great date night with Adam for my birthday, and got a Wii Fit! Now with the ok from my doctor I shall be hanging out with the wii more often! I got out and took some pictures today, thought I would share one of them. It's very windy here today and we're supposed to get thunderstorms (crossing my fingers!) so I wanted to get some pictures of the trees at my shop before the rain came and knocked them all to the ground! Hopefully my Lillac plants will start blooming soon as well! I beleive there are three colors of lilacs on the row. I will be out taking pictures of them soon. I have to say that row of lilacs is probably the thing I am most proud of at my house!

1 comment:

MorganMagic said...

I'm happy you got spoiled on your birthday, ànd that you got an ok from the doctor
nice picture!