07 October 2008

Picture Heavy!!!

This is what I have been up to in the last month!!!

I was in a ProAm Bass Fishing Tournament! Oh see all the graphics on that trailer and score boards, banner and podium? I did those!!!!

Our work van! (check out that hottie I'm married to!) - So I ran some flyers the other day, and what a knitting tourture! Knitting on the label of the paper I used! AHH! The yarn gods were trying to tell me something I think!

Cute Puppy! He is offically about 30 lbs now! The vet said he should get to be about 80lbs! He'll be  a big boy!

I got a wonderful package from GPorter from RAK, sock yarn bits!!! I LOVE THEM ALL! My sock yarn blankie is really getting started now!

Some Lili Love! We have a new pet, his name is Mr Frog the Toad! He's doing well and Lili is really responsible with him! Thanks to Grandma W, she is also a horse! Cowgirl for halloween!

For you Lizzie! Andy's birthday gift! Frank the Goat! Couldn't help but put up a pic of Lili and her Godfather!
Ah INFESTATION! Gotta love my little slug! I'm going to make a thousand of them! (give or take a few). I picked up a crochet hook too! Lili wanted me to make her a bath poof so... I did!!!

Anyhow, Sorry it's been so long, I've really been terribly busy. I've got a lot of things coming up so hopefully i'll have more time to get some stuff done and blogged! I'm working on a lot of christmas gifts so I can tell you there will be lots of pics after the first of the year! My Rav account (lioe) has most of them up, but since most of the people aren't knitters, no picks here!

I'm heading up north to see my new niece this friday. Lili is soo excited to see her new cousin! I dont think she understands that she has really been born yet! It's great to have a friend who has finally had a baby, there is really only one other friend, but her daughter has just started kindergarten! COME ON PEOPLE GET BUSY! I need more babies to knit for!

Talk to you all soon!


MorganMagic said...

yeay! lovely pics! good to 'read' you again here!

Anonymous said...

love the pic of andy & lili and frank the goat... what a great idea! you are so talented sweety! love you, auntie liz