01 September 2008

Meet Axel

This is my new puppy Axel. He was rescued from a horrible place in southern mn. He's about 9 weeks old, black lab and britty spaniel (they think). He is the best thing ever. He LOVES lili and is trying to understand why his joe keeps telling him  to sit?!  We got him on Sat.  He is such a good boy, a big cuddler, and loves to just lay at my feet when we're not outside playing fetch (which he has learned in less than 24 hours!)   He has had me on my feet and moving more than i could have imagined. I can't wait to walk more with him (when it's not 90 out side!) - he's great on a leash! I think him and i will put on a lot of miles!

My aunt N has his two sisters and they saw eachother yesterday. It was truely like a family reunion. they had a blast together! I'm sure we'll all get togther again soon.

"Axel" is the 2nd generation of Axel. The name Axel came from my dad's first dog, or should I say the first W family dog. He was the family's first pet when they moved to the farm. I loved the name when he would tell me about his dog. Axel 2 is the first dog for my family. and truely is  a perfect pet. I didn't know Axel 1 was the ORIGINAL dog until after I named Axel 2 and my dad told me the full story of Axel.  I'm proud to have Axel 2 as our first dog. He will be very loved!


MorganMagic said...

I just love him!!!!! he'll be a good friend for you, closer than me ;)

Lynette said...

he's so adorable. good thing you don't live closer. i'd be walking him for you. ;)