24 January 2008

I ordered more porn!

I officially ordered my first drop spindle today!!! I am so excited! I ordered it from Pancake and Lulu, and it was my first etsy order. I can't wait!

so Lili has been home sick all week. I don't know what she has but really it's a fever, but I can't send her to day care. Adam has been home with her except yesterday, I got to stay with her! I love to be with her, I wish I could be a stay at home mom, but that will never happen! Who knows, maybe someday!

Since I stayed home, I got nearly a whole sock done! It was awesome. After having the issues with my Tofutsie skein, and returning it... I was fearful of starting again!

Needless to say I did and I love it! I can't wait to finish them off and send them out! I'm done with one of my mom's cable clock socks, and I want to keep them! Alas, I have told her they are nearly done and so I can not!

I am so very excited for my spindle to come! I can't wait! Well, I'm drawing a blank....

**I apologize or no pics, but I dont have the good camera here, but I can add some bad ones, try not to cringe too hard!

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