10 December 2007

The day keeps getting better!

So this weekend was a total bust! My knittng went ALL wrong (I nearly said NO MORE!) but as the addict I am I couldn't do it! I frogged all the socks I had on needles, and HOPEFULLY I'll get back into it! Blah! I did get my book done! I read Debbie Macombers A store on Blossom Street, and now I'm on to A good Yarn! I think I've read like 15 books in the last 3 months, more than I think I have in a long time! I picked up The Undomestic Goddess awhile back and kinda got hooked, so I read all the Sophie Kinsela books I could find (even one under her real name!) and I know there are more, but I dont want to buy the hard covers, so my next one will be out soon!

My friend "corny" (I had to pick on her today it's a long story) gave me Mary Krugers Died in the Wool and I liked that so I have read 3 other knitting/ murder mysteries who I can't remember the author, but they were fun and now I'm on to these D. Macomber books.

SEE! knitting has even gotten me back into reading and a new kind of book than I'd ever read (I used to read homer and shakepear for fun!) Anyway if ya get board check them out!

OK, so my knitting went wrong, I was home most of the weekend, but we did get out tree up, My daughter has yet to figure out that the ornaments aren't toys! I think the winter is actually bugging me now and it never has in the past! Who knows!

I did get Lili's cotton hat finished and at first she didn't want to even try it on, but when I put it on she wanted it and wore it all day! SOO cute running in her hat and pj's!

Well, enough of all that, I did get a comment from my secret santa about my yarn coming I AM SOOO excited and it's coming from Canada! (close to the island to which is REALLY exciting!)

I'll add this pic too, Peanut and her cat checkin out some early christmas presents from Grandma Riley! To think! that cat HATED her when we brought her home and now they are best buddies!

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