12 November 2007

It can't be monday again!

Lets see my weekend.... I had to frog the heel flap on the mini peds AGAIN! (seems to me I have to frog every heel flap atleast once!) the fiber gods are not happy with me or something! But I did start my haringbone scarf again... (this is like the 3rd time). I LOVE the pattern and the yarn that Adam gave me for xmas last year! (he actually went into a lys with his friend and got me some yarn! WHAT A MAN!) Minus that fact I have no idea what brand it is, or even what fibers it is but I LOVE IT! It is my fav. yarn and refuse to make something for anyone else but me! It's only fair!

I did make my nephew a weighted therapy blanket. It's a rough draft and by no means perfect but it' got 12 bean bags about .25 lbs apeice, and seperate pockets w/ velcro to close them. It turned out pretty well. I left the top flap free so it wouldn't put pressure on his head or neck, he can still cuddle with it, and we can add another row of b.bags when he gets bigger (he's almost 2).
If it doesn't work, i'll put gromits in it so it can hang on the wall and have a pretty cool storage unit! He'll get it today so we'll see if it helps.
Heck he loves me so much I think he may have given me the flu. I honestly feel like crap today! I want to go and curl up in my bed and sleep.

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