19 November 2007

I have returned

First of all, Lili was sick this weekend so I haven't been able to get on. But now that she is better and I am back to work I must update on all the new EXCITING activity!

#1) I GOT ON RAVELRY!!!!! lioe is my username!
2) My sock knitting is moving along quiet well! I actually think I might have the projects atleast close to done by x-mas!
3) I got the ingredients to make my own drop spindle, I know it will be cheap and probably not the greatest, but I've got to start somewhere! AHH! I can't wait for that!

Probably enough good news for now, But I am still VERY excited, I even got all my totes cut out so know i just need a big sewing day (hopefully this weekend!) I'm going to my uncles' house for Thanksgiving! R&S I love them! They are the greatest guys! I couldn't have asked for cooler u-in-laws, and Stace (he's my way cool u-inlaw too!) might even come down from the great white north too! WAY EXCITING!! I haven't seen them in a while! I love that part of Adams family, although his mom and I dont always see eye to eye, the uncles are kick ass! (his mom is too when I see her - just stubborn! Maybe we're too much alike!). Needless to say I pretty much love all of adam's fam (not so much the bro but I will tolerate if need be). OK enough about the fam!

I am so stoked about ravelry. I've been adding what I can, I can already see it's going to take a while to "move in"! But maybe more people will read this! As for now I guess it's more like a journal or I'm just psycho and talking to myself! (i like that better! I am a tad crazy!)

anyhow! happy knitting!

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