30 May 2008

this is a big one!

I guess I really need to get better at updating this thing. I know not too many people read it, but it's good for me to at least write it!

Let's see. well, first, I've had my 27th birthday this year, i know young right? keep in mind I'm mom to an 11 year old boy ("step" son) who makes me feel older everyday! We had a "party" at a park across from my shop with the fam.

My Nephews (the serious one) and (the CRAZY one) My Lili and My Joe!

My Dad and Nephew (the peanut) and of course my crazy hubby!

Then there was another party that weekend (NO KIDS!!!!!) So Lili went to my parents house and I think she had fun!

She had great fun! and very much didn't want to leave! While she was there We had some friends over!

There was adam with the kitties, my pre-life friend "J" and of course "E"!
I have to note, the blanket "J" has on her I made! yeap! in one night at like 4 in the morning!
see what happens when you work overnights and have a night off!!!!

Back to current life....
So the day after the party was mothers day!

I got these! Lili picked out the flowers by smell! and colored me this flower at daycare! oh and do you like her pictures of rainbows? the second plate she tells me has the sun on top then the rainbow underneath. she's a creative one!

So if your not tired of pictures and what nots of my life so far. I have a few from our trip to ADA, MN, and Itasca State Park. We had so much fun there, it had been years since adam or i had been there. It was a great thing to finally bring my family there on our own! the kids want to go every time we go to grandma's!!!!

On the way there.... long straight nothing....

The start of the Mississippi River! The kids walked across it and yeah! Joe fell in!
we hiked around for 3 hours and found plenty of water to play in (Lili was sitting in the water and having such a great time!)

Joe kept finding things to balance on, and even in the early spring the scenery was perfect!

we saw the "devil tree" on the way out of the park!

Little miss was a bit tired and pretty upset that she got woken up by the wind!

This was her the next day, our last day at Adam's mom's house, she was playing tag with the camera. I think this is her cutest picture yet! What a happy girl!


So now that you've seen a thousand pictures and not a whole lot of knitting related material I must get going. I got a ton of stuff to do!

13 May 2008

My little Fashionista

There was a moment this morning that it came clear I have a daughter. Not just any daughter, a girly girl kind of kid. Adam decided to pick out her clothes (dad style) and after he left the room she came up to me in tears. "Mama I don't like my clothes!" "I need to wear a dress". So after a bit of searching and compromise I found her a dress.

And of to daycare we went!
Can you tell she's not quite awake yet?

Knitting: I've picked up lace again... all I can say is wish me luck!

02 May 2008

I almost forgot

I never posted the pic of my new shoes....

They are my favorite!

yeah and check out the free pattern I posted. It's my first so be nice, but let me know what you think. It's a graph more than a pattern, but I made socks out of it!

Kids I swear!

Why is it that kids (mainly boys here) just can't get common sense into their heads? AHH! This is truly a fun week for dealing with the boy and his excuses for not doing things.
Moving on.... We're off to look at houses today! There are 3 that we are interested in. I'm hoping that at least one will be worth a second look. (MUST HAVE ROOM FOR YARN). This has been an intersting experience but all in all I think at least I hope it will be worth it!

I am going to get some knitting up today! knitting pictures that is!

Here is my carrot and Strawberry!

This little Piggy! (Lili loves this thing!)

Mr. Frog #2

This is the bag and mini bag that I stitched up last weekend. I kinda pulled the pattern out of thin air, but It's been working quite well with all the zippers and pockets and what not!

I will admit I think there is something wrong with me... I haven't picked up my knitting needles all week.... I have still played with yarn, but just hookin! I think I'm starting to miss my needles. or else they are again calling out to me to touch them, to hold them, to give them a little love! I do really need to keep up on my clapotis. It's been dead at section 2 for quite some time now and it's such a fun colorway. I think this weekend will be dedicated to picking up the needles.

In my own defense... I did teach myself crochet. I think the fact that I can make all of these cutsie little things quite quickly and that Lili gets a huge kick out of everyone I make... it's been worth not knitting. Anyhow, it's another Friday, only 6 days until my birthday... I wonder how old I will feel this year?!?